No major changes. Some minor changes are made on documents.

Fix a bug: in loon 1.3.9, as a loon widget is transformed to a grid object (i.e., loonGrob), once all points’ plotting states are the same, they will be set as a scalar (e.g., col = “black”), rather a vector (e.g., col = [“black”, “black”, …]), to reduce the memory consumption. However, in the previous loon.shiny versions, we only treat aesthetic attributes as vectors.

  1. Fix two bugs:

    • once a layer is removed, the names of the rest layers should remain.

    • once a layer is removed, the region should be adjusted (world view is changed)

  2. For facets (l_facet_grid, l_facet_wrap and l_facet_ggplot), the labels of each panel can be displayed. The selection for each panel works well.

  3. Item labels (querying): a checkbox itemLabels is added on the inspector. If it is checked, pause the mouse on top of a point, a toolbox showing the detailed information of this point will be displayed. The size of the toolbox is determined by the argument toolboxWidth and the location is determined by the argument toolboxLocation.

  1. “clean” the code, i.e. representing variables with Camel case and functions with underscore case; give more meaningful names; remove hacks, etc.

  2. make the logic in server function more intuitive

  3. remove redundant/unnecessary computations

  4. function shiny.loon() –> function loon.shiny()

  5. new argument displayedPanel: The default is an empty string "" so that none inspector components (Plot, Linking, Select, etc) are open automatically. The available strings are c("Plot", "Select", "Linking", "Modify", "Layer", "Glyph")

  6. Transparency can be adjusted for points

Date of Birth: 2021-05-10